Enjoy Cleaner Air in 2023

Ways to Improve Indoor Air Quality in the New Year

There are a lot of popular resolutions that are thrown around at the beginning of every year. But the most common ones are about staying or getting healthy, so why not add cleaner indoor air quality to the list? Poor indoor air quality can have several negative effects on health. And since indoor air quality in the home is generally several times worse than air quality in even the most smog-laden city, this should be a concern for many homeowners. Luckily, it’s not hard to improve a home’s indoor air quality (IAQ). Doing the three things below can help homeowners breathe easier with cleaner air in 2023. 

Change Air Filters On Time

filtersOne of the easiest and most impactful ways to improve a home’s indoor air quality is to replace air filters on time. Not only do the filters help keep the HVAC system clean and working well, but it also helps remove impurities from the air that are circulating through the home. But when a filter is kept on too long and overused, it can cause problems. An overused air filter can cause stress to the HVAC system, restrict airflow, decrease the unit’s efficiency and increase energy bills while also causing indoor air quality to worsen. 

This is why homeowners need to change their air filters on time. While the specific time frame varies depending on several factors, the general guideline is to change them at least every three months. Replacing air filters every 1 to 2 months is a good idea for households with pets or residents who suffer from bad allergies. Homeowners can discuss an optimal filter change schedule with their HVAC technician. 

Consider an Air Purifier

purifierFor homeowners serious about getting cleaner indoor air — like households with infants or elderly — an air purifier is the way to go. There are several types of air purifiers, including air sanitizers that use UV rays to neutralize certain air pollutants and purifiers that use filters to remove contaminants from the air. There are also different sizes to choose from. 

For those who want to concentrate on ensuring clean air for one or two rooms, portable air purifiers will work well. These can be moved around easily to clean the air in a given room. Then there are the more effective whole-home air purifiers and sanitizers. These are usually integrated into the existing HVAC system for another layer of protection against indoor air pollutants. Again, discussing options with an HVAC professional is a good idea. 

Stay On Top of Household Cleaning

Lastly, keeping up with household cleaning can also help improve indoor air quality — especially when combined with the options above. Homeowners can enjoy cleaner air by regularly dusting, vacuuming, sweeping, and generally keeping the house clean. This also helps prevent the HVAC system from getting worn and dirty prematurely, which has the added benefit of helping the system last longer and work more reliably. Plus, it’s good for mental health and well-being when the house is clean and relatively tidy.

By talking to a knowledgeable HVAC technician, homeowners can determine whether they are dealing with poor indoor air quality. With these tips in mind, it’s easier for homeowners to work toward a solution that will improve their indoor air quality!

About Abraham AC 

The team at Abraham AC are pet-friendly technicians serving Pompano Beach, FL, and the surrounding areas since 2003. They provide flat-rate pricing, personal solutions, financing, and payment plans. Call them today for filter replacements or air purifier services in Fort Lauderdale, FL.

3 Signs It’s Time for Air Duct Repair or Replacement

Does the Ductwork Need Professional Help?

All good things must come to an end. Not even ductwork is immune from that. Homeowners may have had the best ductwork on the market when it was first installed, but there will always come a day when repairs and replacements are necessary. That is if homeowners want to maintain low energy bills and continue to have a properly working HVAC system.

If the ductwork isn’t efficient or is damaged, the entire HVAC system can suffer, so it’s important that homeowners know when to call a professional for their air ducts. Keep reading for signs of when it’s time for repairs or replacement and information about air duct replacement and repairs. 

Signs the Air Ducts Are Damaged

smellHomeowners might not realize it at first, but when the ductwork is damaged, it will show signs within the home. The homeowner may even attribute these signs to another problem in the house without knowing! That is why it’s crucial to stay informed of the symptoms of damaged ductwork because the sooner a problem is fixed, the more money the homeowner can save, and the sooner the home will be comfortable again.

Some of the most common signs of damaged ductwork include: 

  • Loud or unusual sounds 
  • Unusual odors coming from vents
  • Airflow issues within the home
  • Uneven temperatures throughout the home
  • A spike in energy bills 

The best way to ensure the problem gets fixed is to call in a professional. They can assess the issue and suggest the best solution. 

Air Duct Replacement Has Its Benefits

benefitsReplacing air ducts is something no homeowner ever wants, but there are several benefits that new ductwork brings that homeowners might not know! Here are some of the benefits of having new air ducts installed: 

  • Better indoor air quality
  • More even temperature throughout the home
  • Better energy efficiency
  • Lower energy costs 

All in all, new ductwork allows the system to circulate cleaner, temperature-regulated air more efficiently throughout the home, decreasing energy bills. 

Here’s How Air Ducts Get Repaired 

If a professional HVAC technician determines that the ductwork issue isn’t drastic enough for a replacement, they may suggest a repair, like in the case of a small leak or tear in the air duct. The method of air duct repair depends on what the problem is. A technician may need to replace just a small section of an air duct or tighten loose connections. Professionals can also use sealant on ductwork during a repair. 

Three sealants used in air duct repair are: 

  • Mastic Sealant Tape: This aluminum foil tape gets used because it’s less time-consuming and not as messy. However, it isn’t the most durable solution. 
  • Mastic Duct Sealant: This is more of a paste that gets painted around the ductwork and hardens as it dries. It is a lot messier than sealant tape but lasts longer and is less expensive in the long run. 
  • Aeroseal Duct Sealant: Aeroseal is a patented solution that identifies, pressurizes, and seals every leak in the ductwork. It removes all the mess and is the most durable, but it’s more expensive than mastic duct sealant. 

About Abraham AC 

Abraham AC has over 30 years of experience serving Fort Lauderdale, FL, and the surrounding areas. They provide flat-rate pricing, pet-friendly technicians, and a maintenance plan membership. Call them today for air conditioning or heating services in Pompano Beach, FL.

Three Ways to Reduce Energy Costs in Time For Holiday Shopping

Using the HVAC System to Save Money for Holiday Shopping

Homeowners relish the thought of staying indoors on a chilly day, warm and snug, from their home’s heating system. However, one of the highest utility costs a homeowner has to pay is heating and cooling their home. 

Fortunately, homeowners don’t have to choose between paying a hefty electricity bill and being uncomfortable. They can take steps to increase the effectiveness of their heating and cooling system, cut down on the amount of energy their home needs, and save money. 

Install a Programmable Thermostat

thermostatSimple to operate, manual thermostats are set to the desired temperature and often forgotten. But by using the system less while at work or asleep, homeowners can reduce the cost of a home’s heating and cooling bills. When using a manual thermostat, homeowners can only adjust the setting when they remember to, which costs money.

Wouldn’t it be lovely to wake up on a chilly morning to a home already warmed to the ideal temperature BEFORE getting out of bed? This can be real thanks to programmable thermostats. Homeowners can modify the setting on the thermostat using their smartphones. 

If a homeowner forgets to lower the thermostat before they leave the house, there’s no problem. They even have the option to change the temperature when returning from a vacation, so they are not uncomfortable when they get home. Homeowners can save money on energy bills without replacing the heating and cooling equipment by upgrading their thermostats. Their home will remain comfortable while using less energy.

Replace Air Filters

filterOne of the simplest ways to reduce energy costs is to replace air filters when they become dirty. A clean filter helps an air conditioner or heater run more efficiently, reducing energy consumption and saving homeowners money on utility bills. According to the Department of Energy, switching out air filters will drop the system’s energy usage by up to 15%.  Additionally, replacing a dirty filter can improve indoor air quality and help protect an HVAC system from damage, which saves money on unnecessary repairs.

If homeowners are unsure how often to replace their air filters, they can consult their owner’s manual or contact a professional for guidance. Typically it’s recommended to change air filters at least every three months. However, it’s a good idea to check the filters every month and replace them as needed.

Routine Maintenance

Routine maintenance on an HVAC system is essential to keep it running efficiently. A well-maintained system can save homeowners money on their energy bills and help avoid costly repairs down the road. Regular maintenance from a qualified technician includes tasks like cleaning the coils, checking the refrigerant levels, and tightening electrical connections. 

By taking care of their air conditioners and heaters, homeowners can extend the lifespan of their units and ensure they run smoothly for years to come. Homeowners should aim to get their heaters maintained once a year in the fall, and air conditioners maintained once a year in the spring to ensure they’re ready to handle the seasonal temperature changes. 

While some may be tempted to put off this task, it’s important to remember that routine maintenance can save money in the long run. Preventative maintenance will also increase the likelihood that the heating system will function dependably for as long as feasible, saving money on replacement costs.

About Abraham AC

Abraham AC has pet-friendly technicians serving Fort Lauderdale, FL, and the surrounding areas. They provide flat-rate pricing, versatile financing, and personalized solutions. Call them today for AC or heating services in Pompano Beach, FL.

Is the AC Haunted or Malfunctioning?

Signs the Air Conditioning System Needs Repairs

The average lifespan of an air conditioner is anywhere from 15 to 20 years. Although replacement may not be necessary before then, some repairs are often required after the first few years. Before losing money and comfort from a broken air conditioner, certain warning signs can help homeowners know when to call the professionals.

Spooky Sounds Inside the House

loud soundsMultiple noises indicate an air conditioner is on the fritz. Screeching sounds are the most common. Screeching noises usually come from a broken fan motor inside the outdoor condenser. This unit is connected to the inside of the house and is designed to pull heat from the refrigerant. The compressor must be fixed if the AC has a broken motor.

One of the scariest sounds homeowners describe is a banging or knocking noise from the other side of the wall. Although this can make the house seem haunted, it’s likely caused by the compressor. If parts become loose, this creates a rattling noise when the air conditioner is turned on. Homeowners are advised to completely turn off the air conditioning system and monitor any additional noises to determine if there are stray components in the compressor.

If there is an air duct leak in the home or other problem with the AC, this can significantly raise electric bills. In addition to keeping an eye on the bills, homeowners should pay attention to any potential hissing sounds. Hissing can occur when the expansion valve is not fully connected, or there is a leak in the ductwork. Although air is technically blowing, it will not adequately cool the entire house.

Incorrect Thermostat

faulty thermostatThe thermostat connects to the air conditioner to let it know how much cool air to circulate. The thermostat controls the system, so if the thermostat malfunctions, the air conditioner may stop and start at odd times in the cycle. These cycles that are too long or short can waste energy and put undue wear and tear on the unit, so homeowners should take a malfunctioning thermostat as an indicator to call a qualified professional.

Homeowners can use an old-fashioned mercury thermometer to test whether their thermostats are working correctly. The thermometer should be securely on the wall next to the thermostat so that both temperatures can be compared. For an accurate result, homeowners are advised to wait approximately one hour before comparing the two temperatures.

Uneven Cooling

Homeowners may have a room or two that never seem to cool down, no matter how low they set the thermostat, or maybe some rooms are comfortable while others are downright cold. Uneven cooling is a common issue with central air conditioning systems, and it’s usually not a sign of a ghost haunting the home. More likely, it’s a sign that something is wrong with the AC system. Here are some common causes of uneven cooling.

One of the most common causes of uneven cooling is dirty air filters. When the air filter is clogged, it restricts airflow to the evaporator coil. This can cause the coil to freeze, which reduces the ability of the coil to absorb heat. As a result, the AC system won’t be able to cool the home as effectively, and homeowners may notice that some rooms are warmer than others.

Another common cause of uneven cooling is a dirty evaporator coil. When the coil is covered in dust and dirt, it can’t absorb heat as effectively. This can cause some rooms to be warmer than others. If ductwork leaks, it can also cause uneven cooling in a home. Leaks in the ductwork can cause cool air to escape before it reaches its intended destination. As a result, some rooms will be warmer than others.

If an AC system leaks refrigerant, it can also cause uneven cooling. Refrigerant leaks can also cause the evaporator coil to freeze, which reduces the ability of the coil to absorb heat. As a result, some rooms will be warmer than others. If homeowners notice uneven cooling in their homes, it’s essential to call a qualified HVAC technician for repairs.

About Abraham AC

Abraham AC has over three decades of experience serving Fort Lauderdale, FL, and the surrounding areas. They offer flat-rate pricing, 24-hour emergency service, and versatile financing. Call them today for air conditioning repairs and maintenance in Fort Lauderdale, FL.